Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Honoring the Usui System teaches us to honor the people in our lives.

Today is a very reflective day in my life. I have been treating myself mostly mentally and emotionally for my arrival home to El Paso. This day marks the beginning of a entirely different approach to living in El Paso. This is a time frame that changes my life and my relationship with my home. I am in relationship with my house. We usually don't think about it in those terms, but the fact of the matter, it is so!

In April, my twin, Hira Reid came for our birthday. She was gifting me her help in painting the living and dining rooms. In deciding which color to paint the outer walls, I had several colors strips painted but still couldn't decide. Then I realized the house needed to say what it wanted. I, then sent a distant treatment to the rooms.  I opened my eyes and gazed at one strip. That is the color now and it is so beautiful. Thank you Hira for your painting and detail skills.

I come and go on a very frequent basis as I have done for the past 15 years, since living here after my moving from Hawaii. I am gone teaching Reiki to all the many locations and the providing continued support to the Reiki communities that I have created. I am gone more than I am here.  The reason I have been able to do so much traveling, is because I have had Lupe in my life. I inherited Lupe from my Mother. She has been our house keeper for 30 years. On my Mother's deathbed, she made me promise that I would always take care of Lupe and that she would be employed. She has been so loyal all these years.  She has cared for the plants, the patio, the water fall, and all the many beautiful things that are in my home. As I come home and walk into the patio, everything is beautifully cared for. It is such a wonderful feeling of support and welcoming.

Today ends her coming! Lupe is 75 years old. Traveling the difficult crossing of the bridge no longer allows her to come.  It is a reflective day of honoring all the time that has passed. In her own way of doing things there was always a mystery of why each item in the house had its' own special place that couldn't be changed. I would watch her as she cleaned the sacred objects in the house, lovingly caring for them and always singing some song. When she leaves each time, she passes my Saint Frances of Assisi statue on the patio by the gate. I have observed her kneeling down and touching his head, talking to Poncho, as she and my Mother called him. I asked one time what she said to him, and she answered, "she was praying to him for my safe travels and my safe return home."

I have taught Reiki in my Mothers home since 1990 when I first became a Reiki Master. This is truly a Reiki house. I remember I told Lupe how I wanted the house set up for the first class. I never had to to tell her again, the chairs were in place, the photos of the Lineage were placed on the Japanese chest and the tables were brought out of the closet. She has done the arrangements automatically ever since that first class. Hundreds have come to receive their training and begin their journey with Reiki and hundreds more come for treatments.  Everyone talks to Lupe as she is usually ironing in the kitchen. She welcomes everyone and knows them by name. She has watched the miracles of Reiki. She usually responds to me when people leave: they look more rested, or they aren't limping, or she can tell they are stronger than last month. Nothing goes without being noticed. When Phyllis Furumoto came to the house the first time, Lupe immediately acknowledged, as I was introducing her, "oh si, ella es la Grande Maestra de Reiki."

Today ends my sacred contract I made with my Mother and Lupe. I awoke this morning and sent my Mother a distant treatment and shared with her that my agreement ended today as Lupe is unable to come any more. I held that agreement for 15 years. I walked out and touched Pancho's head and prayed for her safe travels and that she is cared for now by her family in her aging years. My life will change. I hope the house makes it's transition from Lupe to me.  I will have to go out and buy a mop as I know I am not doing the floors on my hands and knees as Lupe chose to do. We bless and honor this passage of Lupe. Her simplicity of her life reminds me of the simplicity of Reiki and we are always touched by its' true nature. Thank you Reiki for supporting me through this time and helping me make the transition of never seeing Lupe again. I know she will receive all the benefits of Grace for being the loving housekeeper of this Reiki home.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for your blog, Im a french master Reiki and I like your smile and your energy! I'm happy to met you. I'm 41 and Reiki is a big present in my life!
