Thursday, July 31, 2008

Miracles happen at Proyecto Santo Nino in Anapra Mexico

Miracle #1: There were once 3 Sisters and they lived in a house; it is called the Mother House in Cincinnati, OH. They belong to the Sisters of Charity, a Catholic Order of Nuns.

The 1st nun is a doctor, her name is Sister Janet. The 2nd nun is a massage therapist, her name is Sister Carol. The 3rd nun is a nurse, her name is Sister Peggy. They came to El Paso many years ago to set up a health clinic for mothers and children in the Colonias, an area of poverty in the east part of the desert outside of El Paso. As stories go, they eventually were lead to Reiki and received their training. They implemented Reiki and massage in the clinic. Amazing healing stories started to happen.

Miracle #2: They continue running the clinic, but they were, also, guided to Anapra, Mexico across the border from El Paso. There, with the help of a priest, they started a clinic for disabled children.

This is an area of extreme poverty with people living in make shift houses built out of wooden pallets. There is no sanitation or running water for most of the area. The disabled children started crawling out of the wood works from every where to come to the 1 room clinic for help. The tiny clinic was overflowing with children and had to be expanded. A new addition thru donations, allowed a large area to be built in straw bale construction. Children from all over come for Reiki treatments, Thai massage, aroma therapy and hydrotherapy. The clinic has become a center of support to the mothers, who care for the children and also provide food, medications, pampers and clothing for the children.

Miracle #3: Their vision of having a clinic to help children was unfolding into something much larger than they could have imagined.

Volunteers come from all over to stay for a period of time with the Sisters and to help in the clinic, as well as, provide home visits. While they are volunteering they also get their Reiki training. The clinic is a place where miracles truly happen! The children responded so well to Reiki and the other treatments that stories have spread across the surrounding borders:
a) A retarded 16 year old girl was found outside living in a boxed area living like a caged animal. All she did was scream and yell.
Over the years of Reiki, she is now able to demonstrate calm behavior, has learned to take care of her toilet needs and is able to feed herself. Her mother died last year leaving her alone and the loving hands of the Sisters embraced her and became her custodians. Two of the widowed Reiki mothers share the duties of housing and caring for her.

b) A baby would cry all night, every night and had seizures. In the hospital, the doctor told the mother that her baby needed Reiki. The mother couldn't afford the cost of treatments but she knew Reiki would help her baby. The baby also suffered from constipation. Nothing would give the baby relief. The mother eventually found the clinic and took her Reiki training in the 2008 class. She started doing Reiki on her baby and now the baby sleeps through the night, doesn't cry, isn't constipated anymore and the seizures have subsided by 90%.
c) Many changes have occurred over time with Reiki: children who once were isolated, now have socialization skills and are able to play with others; spasticity and contractures of limbs are greatly reduced; fussy babies and children exhibit emotional changes and stability in feelings; and children who never have walked are learning to take beginners steps.
d) Mothers who were closed, exhibited low self esteem and were incredibly shy are now open, able to display their strengths and share their inherent gifts that have been revealed.

Miracle #4: Faith swells in the hearts of these Sisters:

There was a real need to find a home for the nuns in El Paso as they needed to have a closer access to the clinic via Juarez. Reiki was sent to the situation and another vision was manifested when land and money were gifted. The architect donated the drawings and the builder came forth to offer a new construction type of living green technology. Over time, Reiki cleared the property, land, and building and in October, 2005 the Sisters had their wonderful, blessed home and convent in an incredible setting looking towards the mountains of Texas and New Mexico.

Miracle #5: The inquiring mothers could see their children responding to this unknown treatment called Reiki and eventually reached out with wishes for treatments to also be given to them. The time came when they also wanted to learn Reiki.

Sister Carol and I set out with a plan. In 2007 the 1st Reiki class was taught in the clinic with 5 mothers and 1 father. There is a benefactor in Denver who donated the class fees for them to receive their training. In exchange for this gift, the mothers have to commit to giving Reiki to the children and mothers for a year. As more children came, more mothers wanted to be a part of the clinic and also to learn Reiki. In June 2008, we had the 2nd Reiki class which included 11 new mothers and 3 who audited the class. Now, the clinic is full of Reiki mothers and lots of children receiving Reiki. The clinic is now run and supported by this large, grateful group of mothers, who never had a support system for themselves or for their children before meeting these 3 Sisters.

The Visions continue and Miracles lay waiting to be manifested from Spirit:

1) Educational needs. The children never have been allowed in school.

2) Splinting and orthotics. None of the children have been evaluated for these devices.

3) Adaptive equipment. Many things are improvised, like the 5 gallon buckets used for assistive seating and feeding stations.

4) Medications are costly. The clinic tries to cover the costs of the seizure meds - approx. $500/month

Walk in the footsteps of these Sisters and experience their vision, their dream filled with faith, prayers and Reiki that have led to a full manifestation of the Proyecto Santo Nino They are always open to donations, as this is the only way of support to the clinic. Contact Sister Carol Wirtz, 260 Sambra Verde, Anthony, NM 88021 and view their website: Proyecto Santo or email:

As a Reiki Master, teaching there is a refreshing blessing for me. The classes are translated, and I have that expanded experience of coordinating all the teachings to be easily translated. I wish to thank Eva Dominguez and Jose Robles for their skills of translation and support to this project.

There is a long awaited anticipation and an incredible sense of gratitude from the mothers, as they enter into the class. They sit and listen from their hearts and do not have the ongoing shatter of their minds. They all have incredible visions of Saints, Jesus and other great Beings during the Reiki class while giving Reiki to each other. During the 1st and 2nd initiation, one woman experienced me putting seeds into her folded hands. "What are these seeds you are giving me, she asked?" I told her," these are the seeds of Reiki and they will bear friut in your life." Later, Sister Peggy told us that The Saint of Farming in Spain and Mexico is Saint Isidro. The lady who had the experience of receiving seeds is named Isidra (feminine for Isidro).See below the photo of Isidra and her 26 year old son.

When the mothers receive their certificates at the end of class, they jump up and down, cry and hold each other. They gaze at the certificates filled with honor, as they have never been given anything like this gift before. The Gift of Reiki lasts a lifetime and these women, mothers and care givers can experience the miracle of life, like they never have known before. I drive back across the border to El Paso filled with the gratefulness of being the bearer of this gift of Reiki. My life is blessed, and I am filled with the Miracles of Proyecto Santo Nino.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Jean celebrates her anniversary date July 27, 1990 of Master Initiation

The Spiritual Precept: Honor your Parents, Teachers and Elders awakens me this morning.

I find myself drifting into the lovely fluid space that I know as Reiki energy. I am wondering what day is today? I, then find myself at the retreat site on the Big Island, near the town of Kalapana. The volcano is erupting and flowing down the road overtaking the vegetation, the land, homes and eventually the entire town of Kalapana. We have come here for my Master Initiation in The Usui System of Natural Healing. I am joined with Helen Haberly, my Reiki Master and my dear friends, Joyce Winough and Johanna Tilbury. It is July 27,1990.

There is an energy charge of Pele, The Goddess of Fire, as she does her thing of destroying, cleansing and creating right before our eyes. We go each day and night to the volcano edge where the Park rangers have set up a blockade. Hawaiians, kahunas and local folks all are there to offer blessings to the fire. Chanting rings in our ears. The sounds of crackling fire, trees falling around us and the smell of burning asphalt all add to this magical time in my life. Each morning visit revealed where we had stood the night before was gone and no longer existed.
A life changing event is about to happen to me. I watch the fire and lava flow the night before I am to be initiated. There in a mirage of flames, a form that I recognize as my meditation teacher appears and says to me, "Can you come under the barrier and walk into the flames with me? " I then, see this shimmering shape leave my physical form and walk into the fire to be consumed. The next day, Helen and I embark, on this most auspicious day, to find a secluded water fall site that I thought would be lovely for my initiation site. We never find it and are taken off into a dimension that is unknown to both of us and lasts for 2 hours. Our collaborative sharing of this time period were the same in visual and energetic experiences. As we return to the road and discover we can't find the waterfall, we begin to search for a new location.
We make our way to an isolated park on the edge of an old lava flow overlooking the ocean. There is actually a shelf created by lava that makes a wonderful seat for me to sit on. There before me has already been placed a flower lei and Ti leaves stuck in the cracks of the lava, gifted by the unknown, awaiting our arrival.
I sit with my feet on the ground, my hands folded, my eyes closed and Helen draws Sacred symbols on me. I am not the same, I am not the same. I am a Reiki Master!

We drive back to the retreat site to get Johanna and Joyce to take them to the site of my initiation and share the details of the morning. We have lunch and rest for the big afternoon. There is a 2nd degree class arriving. Joyce is taking her 2nd degree along with Kalavati (Julie Kinney), her parents, Gloria and Milton Staackman. My life of teaching begins immediately, as Helen and I teach the class together. She initiates Kalavati and her parents and I initiate Joyce. Filled with the day's experiences, we go into Hilo town to celebrate. We go to the Buddhist Temple, where Mrs. Takata's ashes are interned. We Honor our Teachers, Elders and this system that serves us, guides us and supports us.

Yes, I am not the same, as all of you are in my life because of that day and that experience. Would I have, at that time, thought I would be writing a blog? The last Spiritual Precept: Show gratitude to all living things, has taken me on this experiential trip in time, only to remember and share my life with you. Thanking my teachers, my life and all of you for the richness that fills me. Signing off for now, in this desert town of El Paso that has been carried off in torrential rain and flooding by hurricane Dolly... 18 years later, I once again sit in the tumultuous place of change. What does Reiki have in store for me?

Oh, one interesting note to share with you... over the years, as I revisited that site of my initiation, everytime there was a lei and Hawaiian ti leaves stuck in the crack of the lava, waiting for me! Somethings just give you goose bumps.
Stayed tuned to this blog!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hira Reid of Washington shares of her treatment of Jeanene

I had asked Hira if she could share of her treatment of Jeanene during the services.
This is her beautiful response:

My Reiki Treatment to Jeanene while the Memorial Service Began:
I sent her a distant rx and immediately I felt the energy going to her. It was very gentle, peaceful and loving. I have felt this before, as though it was the loving kindness of Jesus. I could feel a great presence in the room and lots of love mixed with sadness of her friends, family. At the end of the rx, there was another rush of greatness and love.
I could feel her presence hovering atop the carved magestic image of St Francis in the ceiling .

July 26, 2008 12:57 PM

Friday, July 25, 2008

Jeanene Laegreid's Memorial Service

Hira shares her experience:
I just returned from Jeanene's Celebration of Life: It was touching to see hundreds of people from all differnt associations; medical, musical,high school students,friends,Reiki,church,charitable organizations. Jeanene also funded 2 non-profit organizations, Classy for the Cure, which supported research for GIST cancer, and Project Happy Toes, which provided shoes and socks for children in need in the Highline School District. It was held at St. Francis Church in Burien Wa. and there were 4 priests, 2 alter boys; communion was given for those who could take it, no mass was said, but many prayers and offerings were said. Several people spoke and at the end, the song Makumatatata was sung as we exited. There was a huge reception with lots of food to eat. Kathy Anderson read Jay's List of Things Cancer Has Taught Me, which was beautiful. This list can be found on her Caring Bridge Journal and can be printed out. (page 4 Feb 2008). Then came a slide show of her life put to music. You could see how fun she made life and she always had a smile on her face. It ended with "Iz" singing Over the Rainbow. If you have never heard this it is the most beautiful rendition done of this classy song. Several Reiki folks were there and it seems like everyone I spoke with will be signing up for the Nov class. It was lovely and I sent Jay a rx during the church service.

July 25, 2008 8:03 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Erin's report from the ultrasound today!

So, I just came back from the ultrasound and there is no change. 7.5-8mm, so that means no more testing. It's basically stayed steady for 3 weeks, so they feel that from this point, there's no reason to keep checking. They will for sure keep me here for at least 5 more weeks, which I was prepared for.

The good news, is that the baby weighs 3.1 lbs! From this point, an average of a pound every 2 weeks is expected. That said, we should have at least a 6-pounder if we can make it 6 more weeks, and if we go to 36 weeks, a baby should gain up to 1 lb a week, during the last 4 weeks. By my calculations, we could have a 10-pounder!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Victor goes back home July 8th in Seattle

For 3 weeks we have been sending distant treatments to Victor Leeman age 3 in Seattle. His hospitalization involved a series of difficulties with his feeding tube and unable to digest his proteins, bizare rashes with swelling and trials of seizures. His parents spent many long days and nights caring and over seeing his medical treatments and general overall care of support and love. He was released back home July 8 and is doing so much better. We thank the Wa Reiki group for all the treatments.

Laura has updated Vic's blog and will continue to do so - if you want to follow this little guy- check in on what's up. He always likes to swing and because there were no available handicapped swings, Laura went to work on the behalf of Vic and other special needs children and there are now handicapped swings in the Seattle area.

Please save Vic's blog to your favorites:

We are glad everyone is home and thank you Laura for your support in keeping us updated.

The passing of our Reiki sister and friend, Jeanene Laegreid

Dear Reiki students and friends of the Seattle/Tacoma group,

It is with great feelings to send out this notice of Jeanene Laegreid's transition and passing to the realms that gifted her spirit, joy and love of life. She left with friends and family surrounding her and Reiki gifting her access to a peaceful transition on Saturday night around 1030pm.

It always touches me so when a Reiki student makes this journey to the infinite source of our beginnings. Jeanene embraced Reiki with the gusto and determination that she met all aspects of her life. She was so aware of the energy and the continued practice of Reiki's loving support to get her through the many aspects of her journey and healing of the deep levels of her being.

I sit tonight with my hands holding her, reiki continuing to support her along the way and I think of the 1st time I met her in the Reiki class. Her spirit is so uniquely different. It is like a breath of the Divine enters your space and you take notice of the importance of this life's meeting. I was blessed to initiate her into the energy that breathes the balance of life from its source. These moments are never to be forgotten. When I saw her name I was startled to realize that my name was in hers. My maiden name is Reid and my first name being Jean. I always felt I was holding her on both sides.

Her journey allowed us to come to her in distant treatments and also hands on Reiki treatments. We were gifted to meet her family and deeply loyal friends. There were so many of you that were friends and colleagues of her profession of physical therapy. You have seen over the years that same dedication and love of life that flowed thru all aspects of her. We had so many incredible experiences of going to John of God and being together in that incredible love and energy.

We have been touched by this beautiful, loving woman, sharing her life with us. Continue giving her treatments during this time period of transition.
We send our love to her family and friends who were there for her and were the tapestry of her incredible life.

Join in with her as her family celebrates her life. Jay’s Celebration of Life Service will be Friday at 3 p.m. at St Francis Church in Seahurst.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Contemplate the Precepts daily

2nd Degree students: Send a distant treatment to the precept and listen to what it wants to teach you.
1st Degree students: Contemplate the Precept while you are doing hands on Reiki.

The Spiritual Precepts of Reiki

Just for today do not worry
Just for today do not anger
Earn your living honestly
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders
Show gratitude to every living thing.