Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More Reiki Pet Stories

Kathleen Armogida from San Diego states:


I remember when I first experienced the love and support of the universe flowing into me and embracing me so gently, so completely, body and soul. I remember the sense of safety, and that I was not alone, rather part of an intricate pattern of love.

This was years ago when I was very ill and my future was uncertain. I had been practicing Reiki for about 3 months and whenever I placed my hands on my abdomen I immediately slept. But, on this day, when I put my hands on myself, I was awash in this wonderful experience of love. Since then I have felt safe and supported no matter the course of illness and health, life and death. I thought this was a uniquely human experience until I met the Finch.

This graceful little bird was dumped on the living room floor at dusk by my cat, Lily, and pounced on not just once, but three times. By the time I got the Finch away, I could see that its’ wing was broken and that there was blood. I was sure that its’ injuries would eventually though not immediately, be fatal.

I cupped it in my hands, feeling its’ soft feathers, offering it Reiki. Its’ heart was beating wildly and it was gasping for breath and flailing around. After a moment this little bird took a deep breath, (I could almost hear it sigh), closed its’ eyes, and settled into my hands, resting quietly in the energy. Its’ heart and breathing calmed and we just sat together in the evening light.

When some 30 minutes had passed, I began to wonder what to do. The Finch would surely die, but I could not bring myself to hasten the process or to abandon it to the cold night outside, alone. Just then it took another deep breath, opened its’ eyes, looked around, shook itself and began to seek freedom from the safety of my hands.

At that moment I had a clear realization, even a communication, that now, having rested in the support of Reiki, the Finch was ready to continue its’ journey on its’ own, in its own environment, in its’ own way; unafraid and safe in this larger place of love and support. I took it outside to a place of green ferns and ground cover, opened my hands, and it hopped out, awkwardly, but energetically, and went on its’ way. For my part, I returned to the patio, to sit in wonder in the fading light, sharing the experience of being one with all beings.

Another story by Kathleen:


When my nephew brought me his cat Cosmo 2 years ago, this wonderfully social and friendly animal was a physical mess. He had a terrible flea allergy and worms and scratched himself so much he had almost no fur. Also, he was slightly underweight because he threw up his food regularly, sometimes for days every time he ate. My nephew said “don’t worry, he goes though these cycles”!

We went to the Vet several times and did all the medical things of course. I also spent a small fortune trying new foods on the theory that he had food allergies. And indeed some things improved, yet the severe vomiting continued on some mysterious cycle.

In the mean time I started giving Cosmo Reiki whenever he sat with me or lay down beside me in bed at night. I’d put my hand as close to his abdomen as I could and just rest it there as long as he would let me. Often he would roll onto his back and stretch out until his tummy was right under my hand and just sleep through the night that way.

Now, 2 years later Cosmo rarely throws up – not even hairballs – has put on 2 pounds of healthy muscle, and eats regular cat food. He has a beautiful coat of fur and is a magnificent specimen of a male cat in his prime. He not only doesn’t seem to be allergic to fleas, but he doesn’t even get them, though I rarely even use flea medication. Thank you Reiki!

Kathleen Armogida

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Animals Love Reiki

Hira Reid of Puyallup, Washington recalls treating several animals in the wild:

Several years ago I was house sitting on a small island in the pacific northwest. After gazing into the beautiful pasture for several minutes I noticed a mother deer hunkered down in the tall grasses with her twin fawns, which were several days old. Later in the day she ventured higher in the pasture and I noticed her hind quarters were covered in loose fecal material and watched as she eliminated more liquid fecal matter. The following day she appeared near the garden area with fawns and another mother deer who also had a set of twin fawns.

I silently asked her permission to send her a distant treatment of Reiki and she agreed to it by coming up into the yard area and lying down on the grass. She was very relaxed, as I treated her for about 15 minutes. During this time, the other mother with her set of fawns started walking down the pasture. The newly birthed fawns followed them exiting the pasture on the far side. The new mother did not seem concerned that her new fawns had disappeared from her sight. She remained still, relaxed and soaked up the energy of Reiki. I was surprised when she didn't get up and follow her babies, but then she was being supported and protected by universal healing energy. She allowed herself to receive this energy and was giving herself time to heal.

I saw her several times after that, sending her short treatments as she walked throughout the pasture each day, but she never laid down again. I was so touched and moved by this experience of communicating with a wild animal and having a confirmation of her wanting to receive a Reiki treatment. The mystery and miracle of Reiki always unfolds in unexpected ways.

Spencer Falls From a Swaying Palm Tree
24 June 2001

I find Spencer, who is less than a week old, hairless, on the grass by the pool area at Oxbow marina on the Georgiana Slough in the Sacramento Delta. My first thought was he was dead, all splayed out on the grass. I touched him with my foot and he moved. I picked him up and his body is boiling hot from the sun and the wind blowing. I decide to take him back to Shatoosh, my boat. He may not live long but at least he will get lots of Reiki and not die in the heat. Spencer is a baby bird, probably a sparrow.

I make a nest in a margarine bowl and line it with the softest toilet paper I have. I mash up some turkey and rice and feed it to him. He eats it and is peeping. Perhaps he will live a few hours. I return to find Spencer really hungry, so more food goes into his gullet. His skin is so thin that you can see the food inside his gullet. You can see his intestines. He is pooping and peeing so systems are go. If he lives thru the night I will buy some worms. I treat him with Reiki throughout the day and before I go to bed.

25 June: He is slow to wake up but eats a few bites and then goes back to sleep. I get some worms and by 1000 he is peeping and trying to crawl up the side of the nest. He gobbles up parts of the worm. I put in a call to my bird friend, and she tells me that it will be rare if I can keep him alive for the 2 weeks it takes for him to learn to fly. In the afternoon after his lunch I put him out and let him stumble along the carpet. It is fascinating to watch him try to move. He crawls using his legs and wings and will try to come to my hand. If I put my finger under his jaw then he will try to stand on his legs and flap his wings. He has no control over his claws yet. I notice there is some new hair coming on his legs. The main strip of dark hair is from his crown to his sacrum, wings and tail. Some fuzz on his head and the rest is naked. This evening after I returned from eating with the gang, Spencer started stretching his head out and peeping for his dinner. He gobbled up the rest of the worm and some rice mush. He is holding his eyes open longer and will lift his head when I whistle at him. I let him crawl around on the table with some paper on it, as I know he will poop and he does.

It is so fascinating to watch his motor development. He was able to balance on his legs, keeping his head up and his butt off the ground for a few seconds for the first time. If he falls over on his back, he can right himself. After his exercise he finds his way back inside my hand and tries to nestle his head between my fingers. He likes to rest his chin in an elevated place to sleep. He is fast asleep in seconds. I heat up his blanket on the light bulb and he is set for the night. This little baby, listens to classical music, Om Namah Shivaya, Raga Taranga and Rama Ragava and gets Reiki at bedtime. NO way was he going to die in the hot sun. It just wasn’t in his chart.

26 June: Spencer is not a morning bird. He isn’t eating much this morning at 0600, just like yesterday. I clean his nest and off to sleep in seconds. Its now 0730 and he is still fast asleep. At 0830 he ate some but not like yesterday. Then he was hungry at 0900 peeping for food. I watched him lift himself balancing some on his hind legs with his bottom resting slightly off the bedding. I put him on the rug and he is beginning to work his long toe and hind toe claws. I notice that you can see the cranial sacral pulse in conjunction with his breathing. When he breathes in his sacrum flexes and his sacrum extends when he exhales. When I whistle he always opens his mouth. I put him on the aft cabin to hear the birds singing and he turned his head towards the sounds. In the afternoon he spit up the 3 pieces of worm that I gave him. He doesn’t look as strong today, falling asleep within seconds of eating. By late afternoon, he is failing. I hold the butter dish and am doing Reiki on him and he is taking a lot. He lifts his head to look up at my hand. Perhaps he feels the energy, but it was an acknowledgment of something. At 1830his breathing is very slow, I hold him and continue to do Reiki. I have a sense that he is about to die, so continue to hold him and do Reiki. I warm his blanket and cover him up, his little head is resting on the fluff of the toilet paper, just like he liked it. He is very particular about how he likes his head placement. After visiting friends, I returned at 2030 and he was dead. I placed the lid on his butter dish nest and placed him in the dumpster.

What a cute little bird he was. I really enjoyed having him onboard my boat and liked taking care of him. He was fascinating to watch him move about in his nest trying to get himself just where he wanted to be. To see how he developed motor wise in a few days and how his hair started to fill in. Each day was new. I’m glad he didn’t die in the sun and that he was surrounded by lots of Reiki, love and nurturing..what better way is there to depart this earthly plane!

Linda Fortune of Tacoma, Washington shares: Regal, My Cat, Benefits Greatly from the Healing Art of Reiki.

I had been initiated into Reiki about 18 years before Regal was diagnosed with kidney failure and, at the time, did not have a clue as to the benefits that this Healing Art would ultimately bring to both my treasured cat and me.

Regal was 13 ½ years old when her symptoms, decreased affection and urinating outside the litter box, manifested. Of course, as soon as I realized there was a problem, I immediately got her to her vet. The blood work analysis revealed that Regal’s Creatinine and BUN levels, which indicate kidney failure, were very high. The normal level for Creatinine is 1-2 and Regal’s level was 6.2. The normal BUN level is 10-35 and Regal’s was at 75. With the severity of the problem, my vet immediately prescribed injections of an electrolyte solution that included vitamin B. This simple procedure alleviated the dehydration problem that occurs with kidney failure and the fluids started the process of removing the poisons and wastes that had accumulated in her body. I learned how to use a syringe and gave her these subcutaneous treatments at home.

One day, I came upon Regal sleeping on the headrest of my chair. Remembering Reiki, I simply came up behind her and put my hands on her kidney area. I could immediately feel the flow of energy through my hands. They were buzzing and Regal accepted Reiki for about fifteen minutes. This started my daily routine of Reiki treatments whenever I was near her and she would accept it for awhile before moving. Reiki treatments happened anywhere we were together i.e. on the couch, my chair, or at night as she cuddled in sleep. My hands were all over her whenever we were close.

Regal’s Creatinine numbers dropped from 6.2 to 3.4 and her BUN levels dropped from 75to 47 over a three month span. To say the least, we were all thrilled with this improvement and the vet and her clinic were ‘a buzz’ with surprise at the improvement. As I talked with my vet later, she said that such improvement was very rare and she has come to recognize that Reiki played an important part in Regal’s improvement.

For the next three years, we continued Regal’s treatment, working in concert, giving Regal the best of Western medicine and Reiki. Because of our successes, I had Regal for three more wonderful years. During that time we became even closer, we had profound experiences, and I returned to a regular practice of Reiki. Much to my delight, my vet accepted my gift of a Reiki treatment from Jean. She later described it as “I felt energetically ‘washed’.”

At the beginning of March of 2006, Regal stopped accepting Reiki. If I put my hands on her when she was on the couch or chair, she would look at me and growl softly. If she were on my bed, she would very consciously just be out of reach. When I had a session with an animal communicator, Jasmine Indra ( and in response to my question “Why won’t you accept anymore Reiki?” she told Jasmine that “Linda is trying to heal me and it is not to be.” I knew then that she knew her time was near and was at peace with it. I, too, accepted this and simply provided all the love and care that I could give her during her final two weeks.

For the wonderful biography of this magnificent cat being and further information regarding kidney failure and my thoughts regarding pet food and the role it played, please read my new book entitled:Regal: An Intimate View of One Magnificent Feline. It is an uplifting, beautiful story.

Linda Fortune’s new cat, Tux ‘the pistol’

Tux ‘the pistol’ came to live with me at the age of 14 ½ as Margie, her owner, was facing her final transition of life. Tux was known for not being very friendly, would scratch without notice, always disappeared when company arrived, and did have some problems with urinating in the house. I have to say that I did not want to take this cat on but a shift happened as I spent a week trying to catch her so that we could take her to the animal sanctuary. At one point as I reached my hand under the bed to let her get familiar with my smell, she dove her head into my hand. Surprised, I exclaimed in my mind “She wants to be touched!” With my heart engaged, a shift started within my being and eventually I ended up bringing her home.

It was late afternoon when I picked her up from the sanctuary. I had already set up her litter box and food area in the recreation room. I had decided to leave her in this room until she got comfortable with me. When I brought her in and opened the cat carrier, she immediately ran and crawled under a piece of furniture that gave her only 6 inches of space. If startled, she would hide there or under my chair. Any noise would put her on the run to her hiding spots.

Just before I went up to bed, I turned on my Ipod to play the sacred chants of my meditation tradition. I played them continuously for the next two weeks. When I awoke in the morning, I decided to meditate in the rec room with Tux rather than stay the meditation room. As I settled into my chair, Tux immediately jumped up and curled up on my lap. I immediately put my Reiki hands on her and this has become our daily morning routine. I can feel her body draw the Reiki energy through my hands and she has not only accepted it but stays for long time.

With all the love, Reiki, and respect for her as a precious cat being, Tux has relaxed and her sense of safety has increased. I am witnessing her transformation and all of her issues are disappearing. She does not urinate outside of her litter box, she does not run and hide, she lounges around with the utmost confidence, and she lets others approach without moving. I was even aware of the time that she made the choice not hurt me with her claws. She might still bat at me with the soft of her paws, as if to say “stop that”, but her claws are withdrawn. Her trust is mounting and if I say, “it is ok Tux”, I can see her visibly relax. All of this is a very beautiful thing to witness and I feel blessed for having her in my life. This is turning out to be a beautiful experience/relationship for both of us.

One last thing, as I prepare her to go to the vet for a checkup, I have been sending her distant Reiki healings. I invite the Reiki energy to help her let go of fear and be relaxed. Haven’t gone to the vet yet but I have seen another very clear shift in Tux. It was like day and night. She was almost immediately, visibly, more trustful and relaxed after my first session with her. It was beautiful to behold!

Check out her evolving story on my blog

Glenis McDonald, Lives in San Diego and is the aunt of Zoe

I’ve been taking care of Zoe, a standard poodle since she was 6wks old. After a few years she had some serious health challenges. Once I took my first Reiki class 5 1/2 years ago I started treating her on a regular basis and from the beginning she loved it, I now only need to put my hand on her and if she wants Reiki she will move so the part she wants treated is under my hand.
She is now 14 ½ and spends her winters in the mountains. She loves running in the snow and during the rest of the year takes long walks at the beach. Along with loving care, Reiki has helped her be a very happy and healthy dog.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gratitude For Reiki in 2009

Sue Lane from El Paso, Texas writes about her gratitude for Reiki.

My journey with Reiki is truly a blessing-indeed it is a great gift. Our Reiki Master, Jean Ferris is professional, supportive, dedicated and a true healer. So, Reiki has brought me two gifts. How fortunate and grateful I am.

This beautiful photo was taken by Sue Lane at the Magic Hour on Lake Powell. May it bring you peace, Namaste.