Friday, May 21, 2010

Hira Reid, my twin shares of the passing our Matriarch.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Babe Mueller- Our Matriarch Passes On
Texas Blue Bonnets From Babe's Yard

This was taken from Hira Reid's blog:

Our wonderful family member, Babe, excarnated on Sunday morning, 11 April 2010. She passed during the early hours of the morning, while sleeping. She was loved and will missed by many. The matriarchal torch is now passed to her daughter, Georgia Ann. Again, Reiki helped Babe in many ways, but the most significant is always in the pain management realms. She was never in any pain, only discomfort when being moved or turned. Dying without pain is the hallmark of compassionate care and Reiki is the beacon of light which comes from the universe to soothe our suffering in our final days. How fortunate we are to have Reiki in our lives and how blessed each act of kindness becomes when we minister to the sick and dying.
Posted by Hira Reid at 11:59 PM 0 comments

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